Our philosophy

Responsible. Investments.

Being a responsible investor goes beyond offering sustainable and responsible products; it is a global commitment at company level translated into a coherent approach. ESG factors are environmental, social or governance characteristics that may have a positive or negative impact on the financial performance or solvency of an entity, be it sovereign or individual.

Our conviction

Companies that incorporate ESG factors into their business models and governments that invest in citizens' long-term welfare reduce investment risks and offer sustainable opportunities.

We proactively support ESG practices, with limited exclusions of economic sectors and through open, critical dialogue with companies and organisation, where we aim to encourage tangible progress towards sustainability.

Our process is focused on gradual enhancement and improvement, understanding and accepting the complexity of our work, and committing to fostering data accuracy for comprehensive understanding.

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We have taken the bold step of committing to the « Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative » and are steadfast in our efforts to meaningfully contribute to a more sustainable future. Additionally, as a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, we are committed to greater transparency and the reporting of environmental metrics. We are also focusing on the physical and transition risks with the utmost seriousness, and have made it a priority to ensure that our portfolios align with the critical goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

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We’re standing up for important social and human values by defending fundamental rights, such as human- and labour-rights. Our team, including our experienced investment managers, is taking a stand by putting data privacy and supply chain social risks at the forefront of our priorities.

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The way a company's management, processes, and attitudes affect the long-term interest of the business, its shareholders, and the broader community is a crucial part of ESG analysis.

Governance involves corporate governance, business ethics, issues related to bribery and corruption, and competitive behaviour.

Sustainability policies and reports

We take a responsible and sustainable approach to your investments. Our commitment to these values is reflected in our four key policies: the SRI policy, the Voting Policy, the Controversial Activity policy, and the Engagement policy. These policies are not just a recent addition, but have been firmly embedded in our DNA since 2001.

Let us help you invest in a sustainable and responsible way in line with your values.


Sustainable and Responsible Investments Policy
Controversial Activity Policy
Engagement Policy
DPAM Voting Activity Report


DPAM Non-financial report
TCFD Report
Voting Activity Report 2024
Engagement Activity Report 2023
Country Report Emerging Markets
Country report OECD

Member and Signatory

Every investment decision has an impact. To show our dedication to long-term, sustainable financial management, we are signatory of various organisations and have thrown our weight behind key initiatives that promote sustainable investing. This helps us stay abreast of the latest challenges and opportunities in the world of sustainable investing.

Do you want to know more about sustainability at DPAM?

Our key principles

Sustainability angle

Marketing material. Investing incurs risks. Past performances do not guarantee future results.