Sustainable Conviction


We have always championed sound corporate governance, responded to current and future environmental challenges and respected social norms which are clear drivers of long-term sustainable value. This vision is integrated in our mission and value statement.

20 Years of Sustained Dedication

Conviction & Commitment

Our goal is to offer first-rate expertise while promoting our shared values and beliefs. ESG considerations are a foundation of our value proposition and fundamental to our research and investment processes.

Membership & Signatory

Uno de nuestros valores fundamentales es el compromiso. Somos miembros de organizaciones que promueven principios sostenibles y hemos colaborado con ellas durante muchos años, así como por iniciativa propia. Estas organizaciones abogan por la inversión sostenible y ofrecen información continua sobre los retos y oportunidades en materia de ASG.

Nos adherimos al UN PRI en 2011 y siempre hemos adoptado un enfoque holístico de la inversión, reconociendo que las cuestiones medioambientales, sociales y de gobernanza están interconectadas. En consecuencia, somos miembros y partidarios de organizaciones e iniciativas centradas tanto en las prioridades medioambientales como en las sociales.

Por lo que respecta al medio ambiente, nos unimos a la iniciativa NZAM en 2022 para aumentar las ambiciones financieras mundiales en la lucha contra el cambio climático.

DPAM se convirtió en firmante de las recomendaciones TCFD en 2018. Un año después nos unimos a Climate Action 100+ y nos convertimos en firmantes de FAIRR, una iniciativa de compromiso colaborativo destinada a reducir el impacto medioambiental de la cadena de valor alimentaria mediante la promoción de opciones de proteínas sostenibles. Reconociendo la naturaleza apremiante de las preocupaciones medioambientales y de biodiversidad, nos unimos al Compromiso de Financiación para la Biodiversidad en diciembre de 2020. Este compromiso insta a los líderes financieros a proteger y restaurar la biodiversidad a través de sus actividades y decisiones de inversión.

On the social side, we have taken steps to support sustainable investments that respect fundamental human rights by joining the Investor Alliance for Human Rights in June 2020. We have also committed to promoting the responsible use of digital rights and technologies such as facial recognition in 2021. More recently, we joined Advance, a social collaborative initiative launched by PRI, which aims to be the second-largest collaborative initiative after Climate Action 100+.

We have been on board with the TCFD recommendations since 2018. One year later, we joined Climate Action 100+ and became a signatory of FAIRR, a collaborative engagement initiative aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the food value chain through the promotion of sustainable protein options. Recognising the pressing nature of environmental and biodiversity concerns, we also became supporters of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge in December 2020. This pledge calls on financial leaders to protect and restore biodiversity through their activities and investment decisions.

On the social side, we have taken steps to support sustainable investments that respect fundamental human rights by joining the Investor Alliance for Human Rights in June 2020. We have also committed to promoting responsible use of digital rights and technologies such as facial recognition in 2021. More recently, we joined Advance, a social collaborative initiative launched by PRI, which aims to be the second-largest collaborative initiative after Climate Action 100+.

Policies & Governance

Our commitment as a Sustainable Actor, Investor and Partner is based on four key sustainable investment policies:

Overview of our Sustainability Related Reports

Explore the breadth and scope of our sustainability efforts through our comprehensive reports:

TCFD Report
TCFD Activity Report 2023
DPAM Non-financial report
Voting Activity Report 2023
Engagement Activity Report 2023
Country Report Emerging Markets
Country report OECD



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