19 augustus 2024

Innovate to cultivate

Agriculture (and food production) is a sector in which the world is focusing on reducing overall emissions. It is not only scrutinized, but also singled out for its impact on biodiversity, as it is often assumed that agriculture affects land use and takes land away from nature. Although this has been—and clearly still is—the case in some parts of the world, it is important not to overlook agriculture’s primary role: producing food for a population that has grown from 1 billion people two centuries ago to over 8 billion today.

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6 augustus 2024

Navigating the cycles of active and passive investing

It is generally understood that fixed income investing is driven by pure macro-economics, monetary policy, and projections of future interest rates and spreads. In contrast, equity investing is besides fundamental data often influenced by "emotion". Both asset classes can be approached through active or passive investing.

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23 juli 2024

Feeding billions without cropping our climate ambitions

8 000 000 000. On November 15, 2022, according to the United Nations, the world population reached eight billion people. Although the growth rate is slowing, the UN projects that by 2050 there will be 9.7 billion on the planet.

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